Sunday, 31 May 2015

The Sabbath Day; Saturday or Sunday?

The Sabbath day has over the years formed many Christians and religious discuss. Some divide of Christianity have put it forward that there's nothing wrong in Sunday being the sabath day while the other side of the divide said no, its was and should remain Saturday.

Most proponents of the SabbathSabbath day on Saturday, base their arguments on the fact that the Apostles broke bread on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 that Jesus rose on Easter Sunday and that event really showed that the Sabbath day was on Sunday.

Those who are against Sunday and believe its Saturday, argue that since Sunday is the first day of the week, then Saturday is the undisputed seventh day of the week as commanded in the Bible. They also argued that Jesus worshipped in the Synagogue on Sabbath, Mark 6:2; Luke 4:16.

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Princewill Chimereze.
Writer, Public Affairs Analyst and social Commentator.  He believes Christians should reason critically, read more of their Bible than believing in their pastors.


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